Thursday, February 12, 2015

Value of Life Essays

Good Morning!
*Please put your cell phone away when you walk in the door to this classroom and keep it out of sight until you walk out the door.  No exceptions.

*Independent Reading -- please read until we are ready to begin.

 *Value of Life Essays -- I am going to share more of your essays today.  They will be read anonymously, but I would like some volunteers to read your essay for extra credit.  There are some great ideas in your essays and I would like them to be shared.

*Before we begin another module, I would like to get an evaluation from you about what we have been doing so far in this class.  Please respond to the following questions:

1.  What do you think of the readings that we have done so far and the module themes?  
2.  How helpful have the assignments been in improving your reading skills?  Give an example if you can.
3.What was the most interesting module so far?
4.  What would you like to see different about this class?  How might it be improved?

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