Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Value of Life Essay

Good Morning!
Please get your netbooks when you arrive. 
*Value of Life Essay -- Please Look at Activity #51 in your module packet.  This activity concerns how the words of others are introduced in the text of your writing.  This is a very important part of making your writing effective.  Using the support of other people's ideas enhances what you say, but you want to smoothly incorporate their words into your writing.  Your essay discusses the ideas of the texts that we read.  I emphasized to you to use a discussion of the ideas in the texts as a springboard to your thoughts.

*Today, carefully proofread your writing.  Ask the following questions:
1. Have I discussed the ideas in the texts that we read?
2. Have I taken a stance on the question of the value of life?
3. Have I supported my stance with personal stories or the words of other people that I have interviewed?
4.  Does my essay engage the interest of an audience?
5.  Have I written effective sentences?
6.  Have I organized my thoughts in a coherent manner?
7.  Do I have any writing errors that I would be able to correct upon careful proofreading?

HOMEWORK:  Final draft of essay

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