Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Module #5: "Good Food/Bad Food"

Good Morning!
I hope that you had a great four-day weekend!

*Independent Reading:  Please read quietly until we are ready to begin.  Book reviews are due Monday, March 2.

*Before we begin another module, I would like to get an evaluation from you about what we have been doing so far in this class.  Please respond to the following questions:

1.  What do you think of the readings that we have done so far and the module themes?  ("What Comes Next," "Racial Profiling," "The Value of Life")
2.  How helpful have the assignments been in improving your reading skills?  Give an example if you can.
3.What was the most interesting module so far?
4.  What would you like to see different about this class?  How might it be improved?

*Module #5: "Good Food/Bad Food:  In your Writer's Journal, please respond to Activity #1 & #2.  Be sure to label this new module and each activity.  After we discuss your responses, please complete Activity #3 in the packet and then read "Attacking the Obesity Epidemic by First Figuring Out Its Cause."

HOMEWORK: Independent Reading

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