Monday, February 2, 2015

"You've got to find what you love"

Good Morning! 
I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend!

*Independent Reading: Please quietly read until we are ready to begin. 

*"What Is The Value Of A Human Life? (Kenneth Feinberg)-- On Friday I asked you to read this text and to write a well-composed summary of what Feinberg says in your Writers Journal.

*Charting Multiple Texts -- Please fill out the chart for the article "What Is A Life Worth?" by Amanda Ripley.

*"You've got to find what you love" -- this text is the commencement speech delivered by Steve Jobs at Stanford in 2005.  Please read this text with a partner.  For each numbered paragraph, pause and discuss not only what the text is saying but the purpose of what is being said.  Annotate each paragraph.

HOMEWORK:  Finish reading and annotating the Jobs speech if you and your partner have not finished during class.

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