Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Essay on The Value of Life

Good Morning! 

*Independent Reading: Please quietly read until we are ready to begin.

*"You've got to find what you love," -- some final thoughts about this text.  Please fill out the "Charting Multiple Texts" for the Jobs speech.

*Activity #42 --  You will be responding to Prompt #1.  Today you will get started.  Go back and read your response to Activity #1 for this module.  Look over "Charting for Multiple Texts" to remind you of the ideas that we encountered in the texts that we read.  You will be writing a well-developed essay of no less than two double-spaced typed pages (800 - 1000 words).  Continue working on the essay for homework.  We will be writing in class over the next two days.  By Tuesday of next week your essay will be fully completed, and of course I would like you to share your essay with classmates.

HOMEWORK:  Essay on The Value of Life

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