Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Module 1, Activity #15

Good Morning!
*Please read quietly until we are ready to begin 

*Book reviews are due on Monday, Oct 6th.  If you are unsure on how to write your review on Goodreads, please ask for my help.  Please follow the book review rubric. I will give you class time on Thursday and Friday to compose your review on Goodreads.

*Activity #15 -- In your group you have read an article and have done the following:

1.  Provided a brief summary of the document's argument
2.  Recorded important quotes or information that the writer 
3.  Explained what you think is important about the document 

HOMEWORK: Independent reading book review is due by next Monday, Oct 6th.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Module 1, Activity #15

Good Morning! 
I hope that you had an enjoyable weekend!
Please read quietly until we are ready to begin. NOTE: Your book review is due Oct 6th -- a week from today.

*Book Review Rubric -- your review will have three paragraphs.  Please skip some space between each paragraph

*Goodreads review  -- Friday you made me a friend on GoodreadsIf you are unsure how to do your review on Goodreads, please ask me for help.

*Article of the Week #4 -- annotation and written response is due on Friday

*I am ready to collect your annotated copy of "Hidden Intellectualism"  which will show a thorough annotation of main points and other comments.

*Activity #15 -- Jigsaw Reading of Four Articles

HOMEWORK:  Book review is due Oct 6th (next Monday)

Friday, September 26, 2014


Good Morning!

Please get your netbook when you arrive

*Article of the Week #3 is due -- annotation and written response.

*Book Review Rubric

*Book Reviews -- Posting book reviews on Goodreads. 

GOODREADS -- Please create a Goodreads account today and make me your friend.  (Use your Google account information). I will show you how to write a review.

Go to www.goodreads.com.  Sign in using Google account -- username and password.  Once on the HOME page of goodreads, CLICK on FRIENDS.  Then GO TO "add friends" and type in my email address (abaltrushes@gmail.com).  Back on the HOME page type the title of your book in the search box and then click on the title that appears.  Find where the book is rated with stars and click on the stars.  You will see the word "review" appear.  Clicking on "review" will take you to where you will write a review on

your book.   
Activity #13: Respond to the following questions:
1.  Explain why you are prepared for the next stage of your life.
2.  Describe your concerns.
3.  Tell about an event that shows your skills, including strengths
      and weaknesses.
4.  Write questions you have about the next stage of your life and 
      answer them.
HOMEWORK: Book Review posted on Goodreads is due Oct 6th. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

"Hidden Intellectualism"

Good Morning!

*Please read quietly until we are ready to begin.  Tomorrow we will review using Goodreads which is where you will be posting your book reviews.  
*"Hidden Intellectualism" -- please finish reading and annotating this article

*Suggestions for Activity #12Please do the following for this activity:
1.  State the main argument of this essay. Be clear
     and elaborate a little about this main argument.
2.  State whether you agree or disagree and EXPLAIN.
3.  Has this article changed the way you define      
     yourself in relation to the idea of intellectualism?
     Has this article been useful to you in defining your
     intellectualism or does this article have no relation to your
     personal agenda (going to work or going to college)?

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week # 3 -- annotation and written response due

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

"Hidden Intellectualism"

Good Morning!

*Please read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin.

*"Hidden Intellectualism" --  If you have not written a response to Activity #11  from my blog yesterday, please do so.  I am expecting to see a good paragraph written in response to what I asked.  Please annotate as we finish reading, noting main ideas.  I will be collecting your copies of the article to see the notes that you have been taking.

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #3

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

"Hidden Intellectualism"

Good Morning!

*Please read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin.

*"Hidden Intellectualism" -- In your Writer's Journal please do the following and label it Activity #11:

Respond to what we have read so far by 1. explaining the meaning of the title "Hidden Intellectualism"  2. explaining the writer's arguments about intellectualism and 3. writing down the thoughts you have -- questions, observations, ideas, comments, stories, things that the text reminds you of, or whatever comes to mind.  (You might want to review what we have read so far from yesterday). 

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #3


Monday, September 22, 2014

"Hidden Intellectualism"

Good Morning!

*Please quietly read your independent reading book until we are ready to begin.

* Article of the Week #3  -- annotation and response is due on Friday. (Handout)

* Activity #10: Understanding Key Vocabulary

* "Hidden Intellectualism" -- we will begin to read this today and will stop throughout the text to discuss.  Take notes as we discuss this essay.

HOMEWORK: Article of the Week #3 is due Friday

Friday, September 19, 2014

Module 1, Activity #9 & #10

Good Morning!

*Please read quietly until we are ready to begin

*NOTE:  I hope that you are keeping up with the activities because I will be checking as we get towards the end of the grading period.

*Article of the Week #2 is due --Annotation and written response

*Activity #9: Which of the following quotes best matches your
definition of an intellectual?  Write down the quote and explain.
                   * "The demand for certainty is one which is natural
                         to man, but nevertheless an intellectual vice."
                        (Bertrand Russell)  
                   *  "An intellectual is a person who takes more words 
                           than necessary to tell more than he knows."
                         (Dwight D. Eisenhower)
                   *  "An intellectual is someone whose mind watches 
                           itself." (Albert Camus)     

Respond to the following question: Do you consider yourself to be an intellectual or anything about yourself to be intellectual?

*Activity #10 -- to be completed in the packet 

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Module 1, Activity #9

Good Morning!
*Please read quietly until we are ready to begin

*NOTE:  I hope that you are keeping up with the activities because I will be checking as we get towards the end of the grading period.

*Activity #9:  You have selected three people whom you regard as intellectuals.  I want more contributions today to this question.
Explain why you think they are intellectuals. Define what an intellectual is.  Which of the following quotes best matches your
definition of an intellectual?  Write down the quote and explain.
                   * "The demand for certainty is one which is natural
                           to man, but nevertheless an intellectual vice."
                   *  "An intellectual is a person who takes more words 
                           than necessary to tell more than he knows."
                   *  "An intellectual is someone whose mind watches 

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #2

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

"Want to Get Into College? Learn to Fail"

Good Morning!
Let's begin with some independent reading while I take attendance.
* "Want to Get Into College? Learn to Fail" -- some more discussion and your response to Activity #8.

*Activity #9:  Getting Ready to Read and Exploring Key Concepts

Homework:  Article of the Week is due Friday -- annotation and written response

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

"Want to Get Into College? Learn to Fail"

Good Morning!

*Independent Reading -- Please read quietly for ten minutes.  I will be checking for your books again today.

*Activity # 5  -- you asked for a few responses to your selected words and recorded these responses.  What word did you rank as #1?

*TEXT -- "Want to Get Into College? Learn to Fail"
 Activity #6 -- Respond to questions 1 &3

 * Read the article and underline the best advice Perez gives about how a person can represent him or herself.  After you have read the article and underlined, choose a few sentences and copy them into the dialectical journal provided (Activity #7)

*HOMEWORK:   1. Activity #8: Responding to Perez  2. Article of the Week #2 is due Friday

Monday, September 15, 2014

Module 1-- "What's Next . . .?"

Good Morning!
I hope that you had a very enjoyable weekend!
*Independent Reading -- Today is an official check for your selected book.  Please read for about 10-15 minutes.

*Article of the Week #2 -- annotation and one page written response is due on Friday

*Writer's Journal -- For each response that you make, please identify the activityYou have completed activities 1-3.  You have selected 10 words that describe you, and you have thought of 10 more that describe how you see yourself at this point in your life. You listed those words in your Writer's Journal.  Then, you ranked the 20 words on the chart in the packet. Please respond to Activity #4 in your journal by writing a paragraph that answers the questions indicated in #4.   For homework, complete Activity #5 and record the responses in your Writer's Journal.   
(Getting you to consider what you think of yourself is preparation for reading two articles).

HOMEWORK:  1. Activity #5 in Writer's Journal  2. Article of the Week #2 due Friday

Friday, September 12, 2014

Module 1

Good Morning!

*Article of the week is due ("What IS ISIS?") -- annotation and one page response is due. 

*Respond to Activity 2: (You have completed this for homework) Activating Prior Knowledge.  Respond to the questions in paragraph form.  Read what you have written and then list some reasons why you are ready for the next stage of your life.

*Activity 3: Exploring Key Concepts --  We will complete this in class today.

*Activity 4: Making Predictions and Asking Questions (I think we might have time to do this activity.

HOMEWORK: Be sure to bring your independent reading book on Monday and everyday.  I will be checking for participation points.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Module 1: "What Next . . . .?"

Good Morning!
* Be sure to visit the library today to check out your independent readingI will officially start checking on Monday.  You are required to have your book each day.

*Please take out your Writer's Journal.  For homework you responded to the three following questions.

       1.  What have you thought about your future and what are
            your plans?
      2.  Where did you get some of your ideas about your future? Is
            there a story about how those ideas became a part of your 
            thoughts about your future?
      3.   What do you think you will be doing next year?  

*Respond to Activity 2: Activating Prior Knowledge.  Respond to the questions in paragraph form.  Read what you have written and then list some reasons why you are ready for the next stage of your life.

*Activity 3: Exploring Key Concepts -- complete this for homework 

HOMEWORK:  1. Independent reading book 2. Article of the Week (annotation and reflection)  3. Activity three

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Module 1: "What's Next? Thinking About Life After High School"

Good Morning!

NOTE: Plan to visit the library on Thursday to check out an independent reading book.  If you already have one, great!

*Introduction to EWRC -- Please take out the packet that I gave you on Monday which introduces you to this course.  I asked you to complete this packet for homework.  We will finish reviewing it.

*Module #1-- Today you will receive the packet for the first module which is entitled "What's Next?  Thinking About Life After High School."  We will read Activity 1 together (Portfolio Instructions) and then will respond to the following questions in your WRITER'S JOURNAL (spiral notebook).

      1.  What have you thought about your future and what are
            your plans?
      2.  Where did you get some of your ideas about your future? Is
            there a story about how those ideas became a part of your 
            thoughts about your future?
      3.   What do you think you will be doing next year?  

 HOMEWORK:  1. Independent reading book 2. Article of the Week is due on Friday (annotation and reflection) 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Introduction to ERWC

Good Morning! 

*Independent Reading -- By Friday you will have chosen an independent reading book.  The library opens on Thursday.

*Introduction to ERWC -- you completed the activities in the packet that I gave you yesterday.  We will review those responses today.

*Module #1-- Today you will receive the packet for the first module which is entitled "What's Next?  Thinking About Life After High School."  We will read Activity 1 together (Portfolio Instructions) and then will respond to the following questions:
 NOTE: You will record your responses in your writing journal (a spiral notebook)
      1.  What have you thought about your future and what are
            your plans?
      2.  Where did you get some of your ideas about your future? Is
            there a story about how those ideas became a part of your 
            thoughts about your future?
      3.   What do you think you will be doing next year?  

 HOMEWORK:  1. Independent reading book 2. Article of the Week is due on Friday (annotation and reflection) 

Introduction to ERWC

Good Morning! 

I hope that you had a great weekend and are ready to have a great week!

*Independent Reading -- please have your independent reading out.  I will begin giving points once the library has opened which will be this Thursday.

*Article of the Week (AoW) -- I have not yet said anything about this activity nor have mentioned it in my syllabus.  I would like us to read an article a week through the year to improve our reading skills and because the articles are informativeThe articles will be assigned on Monday and due Friday.  The assignment is annotation and a written reflection.  This activity is closely aligned to this course of expository reading and writing.

* Six Word Memoirs -- students will share with the class.

*Reminder:  You need a spiral notebook for this class.  Please have it tomorrow.

* Introduction to Expository Reading and Writing Course -- reflecting on our reading and writing skills.  (Handout) 

HOMEWORK: Independent reading book and article of the week which is due on Friday.

Friday, September 5, 2014

All School Assembly

Good Morning!

Today is the all school assembly

NOTE:  Please select your independent reading book and bring your book on Monday.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Six Word Memoir

Good Morning!

I hope you are having a great week!  Tomorrow is already Friday! Period 2 will be the school-wide assembly for seniors, so we don't have class tomorrow.  We will go to the big gym after attendance.

* I will finish going over the rest of the syllabus -- the syllabus is
   available on my school website.

* Six Word Memoir -- Today you are going to think of six words 
   that describe something about yourself, your world, the world 
   at large, or life.  The six words condense something that is   
   significant or meaningful.  You will be sharing your six word 
   memoir on Monday. Attractively write your memoir on the paper that I provide.  Use some color to accentuate these words.  Add some decoration.
                                      Six Word Memoir

HOMEWORK:  Select your independent reading book

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Textbook Checkout

Good Morning!

 I hope everything went smoothly for you yesterday and that you had a great day!  

Today we are scheduled for textbook checkout.  There is no textbook for this class.  Class materials will be provided as we go along.  You must have your ID with you in order to check out your textbooks.  When we return to class, there should be time to discuss the syllabus for this class.  You can access it online on my school website for further review.  Also, you had a homework assignment.  The assignment was to compliment someone before today.  I asked you to write down the compliment and describe the response to the compliment.  I will collect this for credit.

HOMEWORK:  Select your independent reading for the first six weeks.  Please have this selection by next Monday.  You will bring this book to class each day.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Welcome to Expository Reading and Writing

Welcome Back to School!
Ms. Baltrushes

Welcome to Senior Expository Reading and Writing!  I hope that you have had a fantastic summer vacation and are ready and happy to be back to the business of your education which is a very important business indeed and this is a very important year for you!  Each day you will find the day's agenda here on this blog, so when you arrive to class please take note of what I have planned for the day.  For this first day I have selected a reading which I feel is very relevant to how we want to begin the year at Point Loma High School which is to reflect on how each of us might contribute to a positive atmosphere on this campus -- a place where you are engaged in one of the most important aspects of your life . . . your education.  Please quietly read the essay "Love and the Cabbie" and respond to the following questions:

    1.  What is the setting of this story?  Why is that significant?  
     2.  Explain the friend's theory.   
     3.  In one word how would you describe the speaker?
    4.  In one word how would you describe the speaker's friend?
    5.  What is the validity of what the friend proposes? Do you  think the friend has a valid theory? 
    6.  Think of a time when someone complimented you.  Can you recall how the experience made
         you feel?  Describe.
    7.  What would be some examples of how WE can promote what this story describes?
    8.  Why is this story relevant to us on this first day of school?
    9.  Before this class is over today, write down a positive statement about beginning a new 
         school year at Point Loma High School.  Write the message on the side white board.
   10. By tomorrow compliment at least one person (teacher, student, family member) and 
         note their response.  Write down the compliment and the receiver's response.
 Tomorrow:  Textbook checkout