Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Textbook Checkout

Good Morning!

 I hope everything went smoothly for you yesterday and that you had a great day!  

Today we are scheduled for textbook checkout.  There is no textbook for this class.  Class materials will be provided as we go along.  You must have your ID with you in order to check out your textbooks.  When we return to class, there should be time to discuss the syllabus for this class.  You can access it online on my school website for further review.  Also, you had a homework assignment.  The assignment was to compliment someone before today.  I asked you to write down the compliment and describe the response to the compliment.  I will collect this for credit.

HOMEWORK:  Select your independent reading for the first six weeks.  Please have this selection by next Monday.  You will bring this book to class each day.

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