Monday, September 15, 2014

Module 1-- "What's Next . . .?"

Good Morning!
I hope that you had a very enjoyable weekend!
*Independent Reading -- Today is an official check for your selected book.  Please read for about 10-15 minutes.

*Article of the Week #2 -- annotation and one page written response is due on Friday

*Writer's Journal -- For each response that you make, please identify the activityYou have completed activities 1-3.  You have selected 10 words that describe you, and you have thought of 10 more that describe how you see yourself at this point in your life. You listed those words in your Writer's Journal.  Then, you ranked the 20 words on the chart in the packet. Please respond to Activity #4 in your journal by writing a paragraph that answers the questions indicated in #4.   For homework, complete Activity #5 and record the responses in your Writer's Journal.   
(Getting you to consider what you think of yourself is preparation for reading two articles).

HOMEWORK:  1. Activity #5 in Writer's Journal  2. Article of the Week #2 due Friday

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