Thursday, September 18, 2014

Module 1, Activity #9

Good Morning!
*Please read quietly until we are ready to begin

*NOTE:  I hope that you are keeping up with the activities because I will be checking as we get towards the end of the grading period.

*Activity #9:  You have selected three people whom you regard as intellectuals.  I want more contributions today to this question.
Explain why you think they are intellectuals. Define what an intellectual is.  Which of the following quotes best matches your
definition of an intellectual?  Write down the quote and explain.
                   * "The demand for certainty is one which is natural
                           to man, but nevertheless an intellectual vice."
                   *  "An intellectual is a person who takes more words 
                           than necessary to tell more than he knows."
                   *  "An intellectual is someone whose mind watches 

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week #2

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