Thursday, September 25, 2014

"Hidden Intellectualism"

Good Morning!

*Please read quietly until we are ready to begin.  Tomorrow we will review using Goodreads which is where you will be posting your book reviews.  
*"Hidden Intellectualism" -- please finish reading and annotating this article

*Suggestions for Activity #12Please do the following for this activity:
1.  State the main argument of this essay. Be clear
     and elaborate a little about this main argument.
2.  State whether you agree or disagree and EXPLAIN.
3.  Has this article changed the way you define      
     yourself in relation to the idea of intellectualism?
     Has this article been useful to you in defining your
     intellectualism or does this article have no relation to your
     personal agenda (going to work or going to college)?

HOMEWORK:  Article of the Week # 3 -- annotation and written response due

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