Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Welcome to Expository Reading and Writing

Welcome Back to School!
Ms. Baltrushes

Welcome to Senior Expository Reading and Writing!  I hope that you have had a fantastic summer vacation and are ready and happy to be back to the business of your education which is a very important business indeed and this is a very important year for you!  Each day you will find the day's agenda here on this blog, so when you arrive to class please take note of what I have planned for the day.  For this first day I have selected a reading which I feel is very relevant to how we want to begin the year at Point Loma High School which is to reflect on how each of us might contribute to a positive atmosphere on this campus -- a place where you are engaged in one of the most important aspects of your life . . . your education.  Please quietly read the essay "Love and the Cabbie" and respond to the following questions:

    1.  What is the setting of this story?  Why is that significant?  
     2.  Explain the friend's theory.   
     3.  In one word how would you describe the speaker?
    4.  In one word how would you describe the speaker's friend?
    5.  What is the validity of what the friend proposes? Do you  think the friend has a valid theory? 
    6.  Think of a time when someone complimented you.  Can you recall how the experience made
         you feel?  Describe.
    7.  What would be some examples of how WE can promote what this story describes?
    8.  Why is this story relevant to us on this first day of school?
    9.  Before this class is over today, write down a positive statement about beginning a new 
         school year at Point Loma High School.  Write the message on the side white board.
   10. By tomorrow compliment at least one person (teacher, student, family member) and 
         note their response.  Write down the compliment and the receiver's response.
 Tomorrow:  Textbook checkout

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