Tuesday, September 16, 2014

"Want to Get Into College? Learn to Fail"

Good Morning!

*Independent Reading -- Please read quietly for ten minutes.  I will be checking for your books again today.

*Activity # 5  -- you asked for a few responses to your selected words and recorded these responses.  What word did you rank as #1?

*TEXT -- "Want to Get Into College? Learn to Fail"
 Activity #6 -- Respond to questions 1 &3

 * Read the article and underline the best advice Perez gives about how a person can represent him or herself.  After you have read the article and underlined, choose a few sentences and copy them into the dialectical journal provided (Activity #7)

*HOMEWORK:   1. Activity #8: Responding to Perez  2. Article of the Week #2 is due Friday

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