Friday, September 26, 2014


Good Morning!

Please get your netbook when you arrive

*Article of the Week #3 is due -- annotation and written response.

*Book Review Rubric

*Book Reviews -- Posting book reviews on Goodreads. 

GOODREADS -- Please create a Goodreads account today and make me your friend.  (Use your Google account information). I will show you how to write a review.

Go to  Sign in using Google account -- username and password.  Once on the HOME page of goodreads, CLICK on FRIENDS.  Then GO TO "add friends" and type in my email address (  Back on the HOME page type the title of your book in the search box and then click on the title that appears.  Find where the book is rated with stars and click on the stars.  You will see the word "review" appear.  Clicking on "review" will take you to where you will write a review on

your book.   
Activity #13: Respond to the following questions:
1.  Explain why you are prepared for the next stage of your life.
2.  Describe your concerns.
3.  Tell about an event that shows your skills, including strengths
      and weaknesses.
4.  Write questions you have about the next stage of your life and 
      answer them.
HOMEWORK: Book Review posted on Goodreads is due Oct 6th. 

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