Monday, September 8, 2014

Introduction to ERWC

Good Morning! 

I hope that you had a great weekend and are ready to have a great week!

*Independent Reading -- please have your independent reading out.  I will begin giving points once the library has opened which will be this Thursday.

*Article of the Week (AoW) -- I have not yet said anything about this activity nor have mentioned it in my syllabus.  I would like us to read an article a week through the year to improve our reading skills and because the articles are informativeThe articles will be assigned on Monday and due Friday.  The assignment is annotation and a written reflection.  This activity is closely aligned to this course of expository reading and writing.

* Six Word Memoirs -- students will share with the class.

*Reminder:  You need a spiral notebook for this class.  Please have it tomorrow.

* Introduction to Expository Reading and Writing Course -- reflecting on our reading and writing skills.  (Handout) 

HOMEWORK: Independent reading book and article of the week which is due on Friday.

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