Friday, October 9, 2015

Book Review

Good Morning!
And what, Socrates, is the food of the soul?  Surely, I said, knowledge is the food  of the soul.
Please get your ASSIGNED Net book when you arrive.

1.  Independent Reading -- BOOK REVIEWS are due on GOODREADS Monday, October 12th.  I will give you time today to work on your review.  Be sure to follow the rubric.  Be attentive to and INTERESTED in composing a well written and interesting review.  Have deep respect for your learning because in the end your self-respect is all that matters.

While you are working on your book review, it would be a good time for me to check your WRITER'S JOURNAL.  Please be sure to have it available, as it should be anyway!  I am anticipating well organized and neatly written activity responses as well as complete responses.

NOTE:  We begin work on personal essays next week.

HOMEWORK:  Book Review

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