Thursday, October 1, 2015

Jigsaw of Four Articles

Good Morning!
"A man is but the product of his thoughts.  What he thinks, he becomes."  (Gandhi) 

1.  Independent Reading -- Please have your independent reading book out and read for approximately 10 minutes.

2.  Yesterday you completed Activities #12 & #13 in your WRITER'S JOURNAL.

3.  Jigsaw Reading of Four Articles: In the next part of this module, the focus will be on learning about the requirements, processes, and expectations of college or work:
       1. What will be required of me to enter the school or job that I 
      2. How ready am I for the work or school I have in mind?
      3. How realistic is my evaluation of myself in terms of being  
          ready for the next stage of my life?

4.  Four Articles -- You will be assigned one of the articles.  With other students assigned the article, you will prepare a report for the class.  Refer to Activity #15.  Record the information in your WRITER'S JOURNAL.
                        * A brief summary of the document's argument
                        * Important quotes or information
                        * An explanation of what you think is important 
                           about the document.

HOMEWORK:  Independent reading

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